It is recommended for children


Ibuprofen is a painkiller that is given to children to combat pain and fever. It is recommended for children who are over three months old and weigh more than 5 kgs. It is unsuitable for children with liver, kidney and asthma problems.

However, ibuprofen is also known for causing stomach problems. It can increase the risk of acidity and stomach ulcers.

·         Paracetamol

Paracetamol tablets like Dolo 65 can be given to children who are over a month old. It is relatively the safest painkiller out there. Of course, you have to be mindful of the dosage you are administering to your child – consult with a doctor to determine the exact dosage. Unlike ibuprofen, paracetamol does not cause stomach upsets.

·         Aspirin

Aspirin should never be given to children below 16 years of age. It is known to cause a serious illness called Reye’s syndrome – damage to the brain and the liver. Aspirin also has serious side effects such as the formation of blisters, yellow skin, pain in the feet and the hands and swelling in the hands.

Safety precautions you must follow while giving painkillers to children

1.   Painkillers are sold under multiple brand names. If you any doubts then clarify with the doctor before you purchase.

2.   Ensure that the dosage of the painkillers does not extend beyond 48 hours unless the doctor has instructed it.

3.   Follow the prescribed dosage without any changes.

4.   In case you forget to administer a dose to the child, do not double the on the next dose. Overdosing can lead to poisoning.

5.   If the medicine is in liquid form then use a measuring cup so that you get the dosage right.


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